Era mi primera vez visitando la costa de Oaxaca; me dirigía a Mazunte, un pueblo mágico conocido por sus atardeceres alucinantes, hermosas playas, y energía intoxicante. Disfrute de mis días entre el balance de tener tiempo activo y tranquilo. Usualmente paso varias horas enfrente del mar, acompañada de mi libro mientras dejo que el sol besa mi piel.
Unos días después de mi llegada me conecté con un lindo joven que trabaja en la playa como salvavidas. Ese día para cambiar de paisaje decidí caminar al otro lado de
la playa .Llegué con mi pareo, mi libro, agua, y un coco. En diciembre el calor es tolerable, el cielo suele estar despejado color azul brillante, la marea tranquila forma una alberca infinita, el aroma de sal se siente en la brisa y yo irradio la energía de una sirena seductora.
Cuando llegó el momento en que me preparaba para partir alguien se acercó a mis espaldas y me preguntó-“¿A dónde vas?” En ese momento me llené de curiosidad y cuando me di la vuelta para ver quien era no pude evitar recorrer mis ojos por todo su cuerpo hasta llegar a la cabeza. Media 5'10 " su piel era dorada, sus ojos dos aceitunas, el pelo rizado y con rayos quemados. Su cuerpo esculpido lo revelaba como el amante de las olas del mar. Sus hombros anchos y fuertes como el resultado de incontables remadas, mientras que su espalda, narraba equilibrio y poder. El torso marcado, creando esa codiciada forma que tanto cautiva las miradas. Sus piernas largas y torneadas; le contesté en voz seductora-”¿A dónde me vas a invitar?” Me propuso vernos al día siguiente para ir a nadar y perseguir peces de colores. Me dio risa y le conteste -”Me encantaría pero me da miedo nadar en el mar.” Para ese momento yo ya estaba caminando de regreso a mi hospedaje. El salvavidas mantenía mi paso y nuestra caminata concluyó con el acuerdo de que aceptaba yo su invitación para el día siguiente. Nos despedimos con un par de sonrisas traviesas.
Llegué al punto de encuentro, él ya estaba atento a mi llegada. Cuando nos dimos el abrazo de saludo pude percibir la calidez del sol en su piel, sus brazos se envolvieron alrededor de mi cuerpo. El contacto fue electrizante, su toque se deslizaba por mi espalda con delicadeza. Su abrazo se sintió poderoso e intenso, fue suficiente estimulación para yo sentir la tensión sexual que mi ser empezaba a generar. Por mi mente pasaban imágenes donde mi cuerpo mojado se restregaba en su piel dorada sobre sus músculos vibrantes y me detenía detrás de su espalda para poder besar su cuello y susurrar todo lo que deseaba mientras presionaba mis tetas con su espalda.
Eventualmente el se convierte en mi carroza acuática, que me transportaba al otro lado del mar. Nos sumergimos en el agua cristalina color esmeralda, dejando nuestros cuerpos flotar, rozarse, y moverse lentamente, no teníamos prisa de llegar.
Tomamos un primer descanso en una isla de rocas, desde ahí ya no miramos a la gente ni a la playa y solo podíamos oír el ritmo del mar. Yo me acosté a contemplar el cielo, dejar que los rayos de sol me abrazaran y me conecte con el vaivén del mar. El me observaba y yo deslizaba a mi dedo índice por mi cuerpo indicando a donde deseo que él lleve su mirada.
Estuvimos ahí un buen rato platicando de la vida, coqueteando, y dejando que que el deseo de sentir sus manos fuertes entre mis piernas me embriagaran de pensamientos eróticos. Después de haber disfrutado de un buen descanso dimos otro chapuzón para continuar nuestra aventura. El plan era que me llevaría a una parte del mar que durante marea baja se forma una mini bahia. Le dimos la vuelta a las rocas, a nuestras espaldas había una montaña rocosa que formaba una área relativamente tranquila. La marea estaba alta, no teníamos donde sentarnos, él encontró una roca en donde podía recargar su espalda, y yo recargue mi espalda en su pecho para seguir disfrutando del paisaje y sus brazos en mi cintura. El mar cubría nuestros cuerpos y nos deleitaba con el baile de sus aguas. Yo le hacía preguntas sobre su experiencia como salvavidas, aunque era evidente que nuestras mentes estaban procesando los deseos sexuales que sentíamos en nuestro cuerpo. La plática fluía mientras su falo crecía y entre mis piernas sentía como mi perla se endurecía. Yo pacientemente provocaba agitar su corazón, sentir su respiración como un tambor. Empecé a pedirle que acariciara mis piernas mientras yo recargaba mi espalda desnuda sobres su pecho. Disfrutaba mucho dirigir la orquesta de sus manos, con precisión le indicaba cómo y dónde estimularme. Me sentía hipnotizada, enfrente de mí lo único que podía ver era el mar conectando con el infinito. Me deje seducir por el paisaje, sus manos, y sus besos. Mi cuerpo empezó a flotar, me relajé y dejé a mi cabeza caer sobre su hombro. En ese momento moví mi bikini para exponer mi vulva y le pregunté -“¿Listo para descubrir mi universo?”. Sus dedos empezaron a explorar, mientras también me mordía el cuello. Su toque empezó lento y firme pero no duro, su mano recorría mi vulva, mis jugos se convirtieron uno con el mar. Una vez sus dedos sumergidos en mi universo, con la palma de su mano me estimulaba el resto de mi concha, después de varios minutos llegué a la culminación del éxtasis. Me convertí en el mar, el momento fue explosivo, mis cuerdas vocales invocaron los cantos de las sirenas. Todo pasó en un instante, un ritual erotico inolvidable.
Story 1.1
It was my first time visiting the coast of Oaxaca; I was heading to Mazunte, a magical town known for its amazing sunsets, beautiful beaches, and intoxicating energy. I enjoyed my days between the balance of having active and quiet time. I usually spend several hours in front of the sea, accompanied by my book while I let the sun kiss my skin.
A few days after my arrival I connected with a cute young man who works on the beach as a lifeguard. That day that we met I arrived with my sarong, my book, water, and a coconut. The weather was perfect because during December the heat is tolerable, the sky is usually clear, bright blue, the calm tide forms an infinity pool, the aroma of salt is felt on the breeze and I radiate the energy of a seductive mermaid.
When the time cameWhen I was preparing to leave, someone came up behind me and asked me, “Where are you going?” At that moment I was filled with curiosity and when I turned around to see who it was I couldn't help but run my eyes all over its body until I reached its head. He was 5'10", his skin was golden, his eyes were two olives, his hair was curly. His sculpted body revealed him as the lover of the waves of the sea. His shoulders were wide and strong, the result of countless paddles, while his back narrated balance and power. His marked torso, creating that coveted shape that so captivates the eye. His long, shapely legs; I answered in a seductive voice - "Where are you going to invite me?" He suggested that we meet the next day to go swimming and chase colorful fish. He made me laugh and I answered, “I would love to, but I'm afraid of swimming in the sea.” By that time I was already walking back to my accommodation. The lifeguard kept my pace and our walk concluded with the agreement that I accepted his invitation for the next day. We said goodbye with a couple of mischievous smiles.
I arrived at the meeting point, he was already attentive to my arrival. When we hugged each other I could feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, his arms wrapped around my body. The contact was electrifying, his touch sliding down my back delicately. His hug felt powerful and intense, it was enough stimulation for me to feel the sexual tension that my being was beginning to generate. Images passed through my mind where my wet body rubbed against his golden skin over his vibrant muscles and I stopped behind his back so I could kiss his neck and whisper everything I wanted while pressing my tits against his back
Eventually he becomes my water chariot that transported me to the other side of the sea. We immersed ourselves in the crystalline emerald water, letting our bodies float, rub against each other, and move slowly, we were in no hurry to arrive.
We took a first break on a rocky island. From that point on, we could no longer see the people or the beach, instead, we could only hear the soothing rhythm of the sea. I lay down to contemplate the sky, let the sun's rays embrace me and connect me with the sway of the sea. He watched me and I slid my index finger over my body indicating where I want him to take his sight.
We were there for a long time talking about life, flirting, and letting the desire to feel his strong hands between my legs intoxicate me with erotic thoughts. After having enjoyed a good rest we took another dip to continue our adventure. The plan was that he would take me to a part of the sea that during low tide forms a tiny bay. We went around the rocks, behind us was a rocky mountain that formed a relatively calm area. The tide was high, we had nowhere to sit, he found a rock where he could lean his back, and I leaned my back on his chest to continue enjoying the landscape and his arms on my waist. The sea covered our bodies and delighted us with the dance of its waters. I asked him questions about his experience as a lifeguard, although it was clear that our minds were processing the sexual desires we felt in our bodies. The talk flowed while his phallus grew and between my legs I felt my pearl harden. I patiently caused his heart to shake, to feel his breathing like a drum. I began to ask him to caress my legs while I rested my bare back on his chest. I really enjoyed directing the orchestra of his hands, I precisely indicated how and where to stimulate me. I felt hypnotized, in front of me the only thing I could see was the sea connecting with infinity. I let myself be seduced by the landscape, his hands and his kisses. My body began to float, I relaxed and let my head fall on his shoulder. At that moment I moved my bikini to expose my vulva and asked him - “Ready to discover my universe?” His fingers began to explore, while he also bit my neck. His touch started slow and firm but not hard, his hand ran over my vulva, my juices became one with the sea. Once his fingers were immersed in my universe, with the palm of his hand he stimulated the rest of my shell, after several minutes I reached the culmination of ecstasy. I became the sea, the moment was explosive, my vocal cords invoked the songs of the sirens. It all happened in an instant, an unforgettable erotic ritual.